I thought now was the perfect time to do a family blog as we celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary! Can you believe it. The time has gone by so fast. The things we have accomplished together in the past 14 years still amazes me.....especially these 3 kids. We are 2 of the lucky few who got to marry our high school sweet hearts and we made it work!
How did I get so lucky? You are all I have ever known since I was 15 years old. We got to grow up together, which I think makes us both who we are today. There were a lot of people who thought we were too young to get married and knew for sure that it wouldn't last. But, we dared to dream our dreams and here we are today.
Every day I thank God for you in my life. You are the "poster child" for the perfect husband and father. It's the little things you do that make me proud to be your wife, like not leaving the house in the morning without saying goodbye to each one of us and telling us you love us, or the dishes you wash, or laundry you fold after a long day at work just because you can tell I am exhausted from a day of being a mom.
With that, I hope you enjoy your anniversary gift. Hopefully with your help we can keep this current to share our happiness with our friends and family. Thank you for making my dreams come true! Happy Anniversary. I love you.